Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm still alive.....

hello all!
you may be wondering wtf have i been doing... well believe it or not, i was sick!
yes people i was sick (dont laugh doc)...dammit.....i had a fever for like 10 days and was isolated at a hospital for 5.5 days (you had to go thru two doors to get to my room and they passed stuff to me thru a box...kinda like in house...but the rooms looked better in house...but i had a nice ocean view)...turns out i had was i BORED... thank god there was a TV....if i didn't die from pneumonia...i prolly woulda died from, having pneumonia is pretty bad.... i coughed a whole lot, threw up once, and didn't even want to eat... i went into the hospital weighing 50kg and then today i came out weighing 46.5 kg.....=_= and that's not even counting the weight i lost from the 10 days i was sick....i think i lost a total of like, if i were to lose 18 lbs, it would prolly take me 10 years of exercise......i guess not eating really does work.....and not only that! i felt my calves last night, and felt that my calf muscles have atrophied!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! is the worst trip ever......but since i was so bored i did draw alot.....i guess i'll scan them later.... but yeah...that's pretty much all i did on my vacation so far: suffer.....