Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life in far...

Lol idk there isn't much to say about college other than it's like a more hardcore replica of iolani....except more korean ppl and indian people lol! anyways i've been observing for a while and here's what i have so far:
1. 90% of the guys here talk like kevin duong....i wanna laugh everytime i hear it but people would give me weird looks
2. there are voices that sound like jon wong's
3. there is a chubbier version of clay from physics C..(i remember his name now)
4. there is a taller version of david here
5. there is also a taller version of sam shimogawa
6. there is a korean version of kendall huang here
7. there is a dude here who walks around with a 3-3.5 inch thick physics textbook on his head...and it doesn't fall
8. i'm reading my textbooks....HUH?!!!
9. out of like the 50-60 people in my intro to civil engineering class there are approximately 5 asian girls and 3 asian boys...the rest are all caucasian
10. other than my physics TA, i'm probably the only chinese person in the recitation class....theres another asian girl...maybe she's chinese too?
11. there are way too many fobs on campus....actually....i think 99% of all the asians here are fobs..
12. my intro to civil engineering professor looks like a tomato....but occasionally he looks like a slice of tomato
13. my calc TA looks like a potato...with a hint of m&m (depending on what color shirt he's wearing)
14. my calc professor looks like a kidney bean...(many people agree)
15. i still gotta figure out what my physics teacher and TA resemble
16. there are many guys who look like girls from behind....i love watching them and the process me of trying really hard to figure out their gender....
17. yesterday, i saw this korean boy as i was coming back to my dorm...i was so excited, i put off homework to draw him HAHAHA!!


  1. bwahahahahaha! this is so hilarious! especially numbers 1-8! the korean boy looks kinda girly...

  2. verrry interesting list xD
    doesnt sound like youve changed haha

  3. what the???? korean version of kendall huang?!?!?!?! sounds like some sort of failed genetic replication prototype project by some mad scientist, love that illustration btw... HAHA!

    -Not normal Kendall Huang
